Friday 25 March 2011

Be still my beating heart

I wish I knew how to make those little hearts appear in my text.
But I fear I'd over use them.
I heart hearts!

 Ummmm....yes.  It's another sickness.  An addiction.  In truth I don't feel I have nearly enough hearts in my home.  But I have to do it S.L.O.W.L.Y so Mr Cuckoo doesn't notice.  You know I'm the only girl in this house hold and I need to balance out all that testosterone.

Lucy has posted this pattern for little hearts, no doubt I'll be making a few of these as it's a much better pattern than the one I usually use, it's the addition of the picot point that makes it much better.

I said yesterday that I'd show you my WiP's over the coming week, well I've run out of time now, the bairn is stirring.  I'll leave you with this sneaky peak of the yarn I got at the weekend for yet another work in progress (yet to be started so maybe it's not a WiP yet?)  It was an accident, I didn't mean to buy it, I don't know how I ended up at the till with a manic grin and a wild glint in my eye.  My body was there but my mind was absent, lost in a world where I was swishing about in a cape made of flower granny squares like the one I saw on a lady at a friends kitchen party.  Not to be confused with the Japanese flower shawl that has gone viral in blogland, although I wouldn't mind one of those too.

Ah man! My WiP's are outta control!


  1. What a lovely post! I also heart hearts...and I also am the only female in the house. I have a constant battle with bikes (big and small) and lego! Have a lovely (heart-y) weekend xx

  2. Firstly, I think you need to do this symbol < followed by the number 3 with no gap <3
    Let's see if that works, it does on Facebook.

    Secondly, I have just posted a real whingefest on my blog, with no mention of the award you have bestowed on me. Sorry. I was just caught up in my own mini-drama there. I will do a proper post later and pass the award on to 5 more blogs.

    Thirdly, I don't know what you are talking about when you mention a link within not working. Let's discuss tomorrow? Oh joy to see you and meet Mini at last! xxx

  3. On some sites you do & hearts ;
    with no gaps = ♥

  4. Oh, I love hearts too, there's quite a few of them scattered around the house here! Your new yarn looks delish.
    R x

  5. I think it may be ctrl alt and then press L at the same time. THat's how I used to do it on windows, on Linux it doesn't work so rather sadly I have to go to Lucy's blog, click on one of her "three things" posts and do a copy and paste. Lame I know.

    I feel really lost now that my ripple blanket has finished and been posted ... I know I have my hexagons and I'm hoping to get back into them but meh, I miss the mindlessness of making a ripple.
    Oh and I can't even do my ta-daah post yet because I discovered after mailing the parcel that they are in bloody Italy and not back until late tomorrow! omg. People!

  6. I Heart hearts too! Although I must say we are in the same boat. When we bought the house we live in now I was out voted on the decorating so it is extremly masculine!! Did I spell that right?? lol
    Love Little MC's booties...I know, old post, I'm a little late..internet problems. Take care!xoxoxo

  7. ha ha ha! I'm just as bad with the hearts and try to sneak them in so my husband doesn't notice!

  8. I have found a new obsession! Mine is cupcakes but I think I am going to give hearts a go too, after seeing all yours, wow, they are so beautiful!

    Oh and my husband loves hearts too so it will be easy for me <3


I L♡VE your comments. Thank you ever so for taking the time. I do try to get back to everyone but I am rather scatty and I have these 3 big distractions....(and I'm just generally a bit rubbish lately, so please don't feel obliged to leave a note) Sorry about the word verification too, too much spam.