Saturday 5 March 2011

Falling through the days

How time passes, even when you're awake 19 hours a day, it marches on, the days feel so long and yet they somehow turn into tomorrow. It seems just seconds ago that I was sat in my moulded spot on the sofa crocheting tiny stars for a garland to go in Mini Cuckoo's room (not finished it yet, but will reveal all soon, they are too cute to keep quiet about).  This photo was taken the Tuesday before he was born, every time I see it this song by ABBA comes into my head, "The Day Before You Came", nothing to do with storks landing but it is what my brain starts singing.

19 hours awake! Oh the things I could accomplish in that time if only I had a little more strength.  Actually that's tosh, I'd still be sitting and cuddling my baby and doing nothing much more regardless of feeling very pale and washed out due to haemorraging. I can't get enough of this little one, maybe it's because I feel it is likely that he will be my last.

I've had to abandon breast feeding and I've been in bits about it.  But my baby hasn't gained enough weight, he's very unsettled and the jaundice isn't getting any better.  I've never managed a good milk supply despite eating and drinking well and resting a lot.  So I'll cherish the photo below as it was taken when I felt hopeful that I'd manage it this time, third time lucky and all that.  Spot the bobble tutorial in the making.

The weather was glorious here the day I started this post. When the weather is like this I wish so much that the kitchen was south facing though I know it would be far too hot on a sunny summers day.  I live in the kitchen.  When Mr Cuckoo goes off on his annual ski trip with out us I don't use any other room during the day. I visit the bathroom, I go into the utility and I sleep in our room, but I spend the day in the kitchen, despite not being able to see the stunning view we have on the other side of the house.  We have a couple of sofa's and a tv in the kitchen so there's no need to venture off anywhere else.  I'm not keen on being far from the kettle!  Soon we'll have the Aga mended so next Autumn will be much more enjoyable than the last as the kitchen will be roasty toasty!

I'm trying to keep up the blogging momentum.  I  wish I'd come to blogger sooner, I have so much I want to share but I simply haven't enough time.  You see I have this very important baby cuddling job and I take my work seriously (smiling)


  1. I think that baby cuddling is a very important job, aww just look at his little chubby cheeks!

  2. He is soooooo cute, and lots of hair. There is something about the third child, they seem to be easier, or we are more laid back. Yes baby cuddling is a very serious job in my books, the more the better, although my kids are too big for the 'lay on the lap cuddling' we just hug instead now :)
    x Sandi

  3. And what a great job that is. :)
    Enjoy it, he is gorgeous!

  4. aaawwwww...what a blessing! He is beautiful! I'm curious what day he was born..I only ask cuz my birthday was March 2nd..I think he came a little before that though..truly a doll baby! I hope your getting lots of rest!

  5. Awww baby cuddling. Those days seems such a while ago now! My babies are quite a bit bigger now. What a lovely blog you have. I just discovered it via Dotty Angel's blog.

    Hope you have lots more cuddles this weekend!

    MBB x

  6. Congratulations, he is very cute, I love the baby suit stage, especially stripey ones they are so cuddly. I have just found your blog via dotty angel looking for bobble stitches. Another project I would like to do.

  7. Oh he's lovely - much more important than blogging!

  8. Oh hello, just dropping by, via Dottie Angel.
    Baby cuddling a most precious time and activity, enjoy it. Beautiful photos.
    I've just had the most beautiful cuddle with my boy, mind you he's now 19 and six foot tall so can wrap his arms around me and it's wonderful.
    So whether they be a babe in arms or teenagers every cuddle is a gift.

    Love your bobble blanket and great tutorial, shall get some wool and a hook out and give it a go.

    Have a great weekend and I hope you are managing to get some sleep...........

    Claire :)

  9. i can't think of a better way to spend your time than lovely new baby snuggles x

  10. Found your blog via Dottie Angel. What a dear find... A new mamma and her baby! Lovely photos. I am a knitter and have very limited knowledge of the hook. I am pretty sure that needs to change after seeing your lovely work. Wishing you sweet dreams and hours of lovely sleep for you and all you hold dear.

  11. I wish I had taken more photos were my girls were babies. I have none of them nursing.
    I wish I had had a blog! Or even a digital camera back then! (20 years makes for a lot of progress)
    Your little guy is so precious!


I L♡VE your comments. Thank you ever so for taking the time. I do try to get back to everyone but I am rather scatty and I have these 3 big distractions....(and I'm just generally a bit rubbish lately, so please don't feel obliged to leave a note) Sorry about the word verification too, too much spam.