When I had a "real" job I had to do one of those psychometric testy whatsits. I've forgotten most of what it said, however I have remembered one thing (probably because I disagreed with it at the time). It said I am a "completer-Finisher". When I took this test I was not a "completer-finisher" but I wasn't at all comfortable with the fact that I gave things up sometimes. Funny thing is that now I am older and know myself better I only start things I know I will finish...one day. Yes it might take me years to get back to something but I know that I will eventualy finish what I have started. I am now definately a completer-finisher and it feels good.
Did you think I'd forgotten about
I bet you did! Another WiP never to be seen again.
Nah! I just got distracted for a little while. As you do, as I do all too often.
This is my way of blocking little bits and bobs. A cork floor tile.
Don't they look sweet. Like crochet confetti.
They have been blocked and stacked patiently waiting for me to get my arse in gear and string them up in Mini's room
bit blurry, soz. |
Lots of lovely little stars made from
Ellen Bloom's pattern in embroidery thread.
I hung them up using invisible thread so they look like they are floating.
The photo's aren't great as the battery conked out. And it was yet another gloomy day here.
Some of the stars are twisting a bit so I need to put my thinking cap on and work out how to straighten them out.
Now before I go any further I must thank a couple of girls for their help with my banner issues. Thank you
Wendy for the photobucket idea and thank you
Nicole for telling me about Fotoflexer. Now I have a banner that is the perfect size and I'm feeling a little more confident about doing a proper banner make over...although I'm not very good with change.
In other news, I have been bestowed a few more bloggy awards so I'll do each in turn over the next couple of posts. I'm still delighted to receive these as it's such a compliment. I love blogging and I love having Bloddies (Blog Buddies) and I rather like doing the "facts" part of the award. So a big thank you to Jo from
Pickle-Lily. I know her in real life as we go to Knit Club at
The Wool Sanctuary, we have only met once or twice as I'm new to the group but we are getting to know each other through our blogs. How 21st century of us! Jo is relatively new to blogging, she only started in February but there's plenty to read already.
So now that I've linked to Jo which is part of the rules, I have to reveal seven facts about myself and pass this award on. I'm supposed to send it on to seven blogs but I think this particular award has already done the rounds quite a bit. Therefore I'll choose the requisite seven blogs but I honestly do not expect them to play along.
Here are my utterly riveting facts:
1. I'm not good with change, I find it unsettling more than invigorating. It takes me a while to make any big changes, I'm usually glad when I have, but I get a little anxious. I find comfort and security in routine. I know that makes me sound boring.
2.I know all the words to Eminem's "Go Crazy" and there is a video of me performing it in a traffic jam with pants on my head whilst pregnant with Big.
3. Those word verification things get on my wick. I find them a time eating faff. I can understand why popular blogs with oodles of followers would need them to protect against spam, but the likes of me? I've turned mine off. I will only turn it back on when/if I ever get any spam. However sometimes the words are funny. I had buncelip the other day. I know someone in real life who reads this who is going to crack up over that one (you know who you are!)
4. I have a milky coffee everyday. I nuke the milk in a mug in the microwave for two minutes. During this time I play the Two Minute Challenge. I set myself a task and see if I can complete it in two minutes going at warp speed. It's amazing how quickly I can fold washing/wash up/sweep the floor/clean the loo/put my make up on. Word of warning, don't try emptying the dishwasher at warp speed, not if you are a clumsy one.
5. I L♡VE spoonerisms. My best ones ever are Twasta Pists (pasta twists) and tiny shites (shiney tights) I didn't really need to translate them did I?! I still chuckle when I remember the lady's face in M&S when I asked her where I could find some tiny shites!! Please tell me your favourite ones, give me a laugh.
6. I hate being late. I'm nearly always late these days. I have set my watch ten minutes fast but I'm still late even though I have conditioned myself into thinking my watch is telling the correct time. Maybe the problem lies in the fact that it has the date on it and that is 2 days behind. As I'm typng this it's occurring to me that having a watch telling the wrong date and time is ridiculous. I've now corrected it.
7. I think part of my love of crochet comes from the fact that I often spell it wrong. The amount of times I have almost published a post that's going on about my obsession with 'crotch'. Oh dear, I just made my self laugh out loud again at that. What a wally! Honestly, any reference to crotch or fart etc... and I go all silly.
I'll pass this on to a few blogs I enjoy. Some I have only very recently come across. A couple are new blogs from people I know in real life:
Meme Rose
Made From Scratch
Bubble and Life
Busy Bee
Please don't feel obliged, just join in if you like.
Lastly, any one got any good advice about camera's? I have a snap happy one that I'm pleased with and take everywhere with me. But I'd like one that takes the nice photo's where the stuff in the background is blurry, like in my
Strawberry Jam post. I use Mr C's SLR ('micro 4 thirds' I've just been told) for these and it's great. I aim and fire and it takes a great photo. Thing is I don't want to take his camera out and about with me as it was rather pricey. I know this because I bought it for him a couple of Christmas's ago. I did Jamie at Home parties and Pampered Chef shows for two months and earned enough money to buy him a present with my very own money and I got all of his Mum's cinefilms (20 of them) put onto disks as surprise. I had lots of late nights and yucky picky customers but it was worth it. Every autumn I go on an Earning My Own Money Mission so I can buy him a present with money he hasn't earned. Last year I was pregnant so I couldn't do it. How shall I earn money this year? It has to fit around the children...I'll think of something.