Thursday 10 January 2013

Half Granny Square Pattern

Hello again!

Just a quickie tonight. When I was at Knit Club on Saturday a lady there, Christine, asked me if I had a pattern for a half granny square, but not halved from corner to corner like a triangle. She wanted it like a rectangle so she could adapt a jumper pattern into a cardigan. I felt sure I must have what she was looking for in a book, or failing that I just knew I'd easily find one for free online. Well, my books drew a blank as did the t'interweb. So I sat with yarn and hook and worked it out.

It's not a wonderful photo and I should have blocked the rectangle but you get the jist.

I use UK terms and I assume if you are ready to do a half granny then you already know our way around a full granny so I am just sharing the pattern and not a full blown picture tutorial.

Here you go:

Ch4 and ss into ring.

Rnd 1:
Ch3, 1tr, ch3, 3tr, ch3, 2tr into ring.

Rnd 2:
Join yarn to top of first ch3
Ch4, 3tr into chain space, ch3, 3tr into the same chain space as before, ch1, 
3tr into next chain space, ch3, 3tr into same chain space, ch1, 1 treble into top of 2tr.

Rnd 3:
Join yarn into the 3rd chain of the ch4 in the previous round, ch3, 1tr, ch1, 3tr into next chain space, 3ch, 3tr into same chain space.
ch1, 3tr into nest chain space, ch1, 3tr into next ch sp, ch3, 3tr into same ch sp, ch1, 2tr into the top of the last tr on the previous round.

Rnd 4:
Join yarn to top of first ch3, Ch4, 3tr into chain space, ch1, 3tr into next chain space, ch3, 3tr into the same chain space 
ch1, 3tr into next chain space, ch1, 3tr into next ch sp, ch1, 3tr into next ch sp, 3 ch, 3tr into same ch sp, ch 1, 3tr into next chsp, ch1, 1tr in between the two treble below.

Hope this makes sense! If it doesn't please let me know.

So Christine, I hope you find this since the email address I have for you isn't correct. I've tried lots of different variants but it's still pinging back undelivered. Hope you're well and that your flat is drying out.

I got my lovely (and I mean LOVERLY) friend Erin to check the pattern. She has a shiny new blog and a recently published book she has contributed to. Take a look! It's a gorgeous crochet book.

Thank you for such a warm response on my last post. It was lovely and generous of each of you. I'll be replying to you if you're not a No-Reply blogger soon.


Monday 7 January 2013

It's been so long...

....I don't know how to get back into blogging. So what I am going to do is fling out a post in ten minutes flat. At this point, I have no clue what I am going to post about. 

I'll just go and have a rootle about in my photo files (though I've not uploaded in an age)......................... Oh my word, there is a lot of stuff I could blog about. Took me a while to decide which pics to go for.

This is something I made for my friend Princess (ere, if you're reading this, Princess, then hurry up and get your blog up and running so I can link to you) for her birthday back in September.

It's a little pinny. It's not for craft stuff. I mean, one would get a rude injury bending over with knitting needles in a pinny pocket. It's a gardening pinny. We both agree pockets are needed when gardening. They are absolutely a necessity when cleaning too. It's rare you'll ever find the pair of us at home without a pinny hanging off our necks. Trouble is when gardening, a regular pinny can chaff about the neck, so a half pinny is perfect.

Once again I got the pattern from Cath Kidston's SEW! book. I've since made one for Granny, which I forgot to take pics of.

See? I said this would be a rushed, random post (it's taken me longer than ten mins so far so I'm rushing now) The boys and I had fun with tattoos. I loved my little ladybird one.

Did I ever blog about my "Fifteen Minute Targeted Attack"? This is where I have to focus on a job I don't really want to do for fifteen minutes. I go at it flat out. No distractions. Full concentration. Sometimes I don't get the task completed in fifteen minutes but I often just carry on till it's done. It's a great way for me to get my stuff in order. I always try to choose a job that wont take much more than the time allotted. I only do it a couple of times a day. Tomorrow I will clean out the cutlery drawer and wipe down the kitchen cupboards or iron four shirts, or something like that.

Wow. I did a post. It's a bit poo but I had to start somewhere!