Can you Adam and Eve it?!!
That is a long drool string and that is mango mush on his babygro |
I know we all say it but I cannot believe a year has passed already. Time seems to speed up the older I get and goes faster and faster with each baby that arrives. I suppose it is because I am quite busy too. My one year old is way more distracting these days. He is simply adorable and I find it very hard to drag myself away from him sometimes. Perhaps it is because he is our last baby. Mind you, I say he is my last baby but since Little Cuckoo is the only child who was actually planned and tried for...well you just never know. I haven't the foggiest how Mini came about actually. I think we must have shared bath water or something!
This past year has been, on reflection, completely marvellous. To think that this time last year I was terrified of having three children, nervous and bewildered about how I was going to manage the day to day runnings of family life. I couldn't see how I was going to spread myself out amongst all the boys, catering to their individual and diverse needs. I expected the new baby to be a challenging like the other two. Don't get me wrong they were delightful and I loved them insanely but they were quite difficult babies. So when Mini joined us and turned out to be the sweetest smiley baby I have ever met, well I couldn't believe my luck. Yes of course he has had his moments of shrieking, but I can honestly say I we haven't had a single totally sleepless night. He is still waking most nights but just for ten minutes and he settles immediately, he always has done. He is pure sunshine. (aside: I am in the snug and I can hear Mr C in the kitchen playing with Mini's birthday present - a keyboard and microphone like the one he loved at Clairey's when we visited her last week- hilarious. He has just come in stating that it is awesome so at least I know someone will enjoy it!) He is mellow and placid and just lovely altogether. He fits in perfectly and we are all so in love with him.
I feel so stupid now for being scared of having three children, three boys felt like a cruel joke to a girly girl like me. But oh how I have changed my tune. I now find myself watching the Merry Band of Brothers playing and I feel like the most fortunate mother on earth.
Happy Birthday dear Mini Cuckoo,
you have made everything in this life brighter and we all dote on you.
If you would like to read about his arrival then go here.
ps. I am waaaaaay behind with everything blog, both the posts I want to write and the blogs I want to read and comment on. I am also very behind with replying to the comments on my last couple of posts. I absolutely love hearing your comments and I do like to reply to them all. This is sometimes a bit tricky if you are a No-Reply-Blogger. To change your setting read this post and you'll be sorted!
pps. Thank you to those (you know who you are) who have been in touch to see if I'm ok. I'm good, I feel well. Thank you for checking up on me. I never expect people to notice my absence, so I was enormously touched that I was missed!