Wednesday, 16 November 2011


Today has been gloomy and grey, yet I have had a lovely day. It feels so good to have had a good day. I didn't care one bit about the greigeness (that's a blend of grey and beige, I don't know if it is a well known word or one I have made up). The house has been really dingy so on went the fairy lights and the lamps. And on went my completed ripple snood that I made for Heather and Lucy's ripple along.

The photographs aren't the best as I don't know what I'm doing with a camera and it was, after all, a grizzly day here in the southwest of England.

So this is my Ta Dahhhhhhhh post for my ripple snood. It reminds me of the colours of the sea off the Devon coast at this time of year.... even has a (sea)shell border.

It's made from Rowan Pure Wool DK in the following shades:
Pier 006, Frost 044, Marine 008, Cypress 007
and you can see the start of it here.

What with the twinkle of fairy lights and the snuggle of the snood everything has felt so good today. Perhaps it was because Mini slept through till 6.30am, the boys got dressed with out  fight and Little flew into preschool with out a care in the world. He usually wants to stay at home and whinges from 8am till I drop him off at which point he clings to me like a limpet. When I sneak back to check he's ok he is always (with out fail) racing about with a broad grin on his face. Such theatrics. 

I managed to tame the laundry pile for the first time since returning from New York too and Mini has been so chirpy all day. When he had his afternoon nap I managed 45 minutes of knitting and finally, after five false starts managed to get past the 7th row of these wrist warmers. I'm making them in navy yarn and it's a real pigger to knit with as I can't see the stitches very well.

Big is on top form and has been a joyous little beasty and there haven't been nearly as many scraps or tears after school tonight. In fact, as I type the pair of them are snuggled under a granny blanket together watching a bit of Cbeebies. There's no wrestling nor kicking going on. I can't believe I'm managing to put this spur of the moment post together whilst the rice boils for their supper. Normally I have to be referee. It's so nice. Very very nice indeed.

Maybe there's something in the air for Mr Grumpy Bus Driver acknowledged us with a wave today. We have encountered him on every school run home for the past year and I always smile and raise my hand as we creep past each other on the narrow lanes. Never has he even glanced our way. He just stares past us with the look of grump all over his face. I feel bad for him as he looks sad. But today he raised his hand in thanks as I gave way for him. I'll get him smiling before the Summer. That's my mission. I may have to do Love Actually signs.

I'm even feeling a bit Christmassy and will be starting my Christmas shopping online this evening. Which reminds me of another lovely thing to happen today. One of the PTA committee sought me out in the playground and said they'd had a meeting about the Schools Christmas Fayre last night and would I make some Father Christmas leg cakes like I did last year. That did feel rather lovely.

That's all for today, next time it'll be all about the trip to New York. I just wanted to freeze frame today before my poor memory forgets it. Oh and show you my snood!



  1. Father Christmas leg cakes? I am intrigued.

    Snood is fabby and looks so snuggly. It's my favourite yarn ever.

    So glad that you had a lovely day chick xxx

  2. I'm also intrigued by the cakes - any chance of some photos before you take them to school?!! I'm so glad you've had a lovely day and keep working on Mr Bus Driver, he's bound to crack a smile sooner or later! Oh, and the snood is divine!!

  3. Gorgeous cowl, truly. And how lovely to read that you've had a cheery sort of day. Complete with the promise of Father Christmas Leg cakes !!

  4. Lovely snood, gorgeous colours and the I love the little seashell edge... it does look like little ripples in water...or waves on the cold beach... I'm glad you had a good day :)x

  5. Glad you had such a super day!!! :)
    LOVE the wavy snood - it looks like just the thing to keep you snuggly now the weather's getting nippy!
    A WHAT cake??? Do tell! :)

  6. leg cakes you say? what the...?

    the bus story reminds me one of many a holiday in Devon with Nelly and G Kisby (in their pre mabel days, when they too came in our car) and Cleggy and G Kisby had a competition to see who could do the most different/interesting salutes as a thanks to other drivers when they let you pass (curse those high hedged lanes). It became ridiculous and embarrasing. loons.

    Anyway, glad you've had a lovely day, thanks for sharing, gorgeous snood and nice tales of happy boys. We all love a happy band of boys.
    (what do we think the collective term should be?)
    fee x

  7. I wonder where you are in Devon --- as I live there too and the sea also looks just like that in my little corner!
    I love your ripply seagorgilicious cowl ( Now I know that is a new word!!!!)
    Kindest Regards Linda

  8. Sweeeeeeeet snood!
    Perfect colours, too.
    Must add bookmark and make a ripple-y type thingy soon.
    Have a good week.

  9. So snood is lovely, i really like the colours, beautiful mix. xx

  10. Had the absolute opposite day to you but hearing of a cheery day is cheering. I love the smile project for the bus driver. I do bonkers little personal challenges too. :-)

  11. Normally its you donning the balaclava and creeping to someones house in the stealth of night to steal something lovely they've made, but this time lady the balaclava is on the other head! I will be making arrangements to come to your house and steal that AWESOME snood of yours. If you could just let me know where its kept, as I'm a wee bit lazy, and if there's not a sign at the front door pointing "Gorgeous Snood This Way" I may get distracted and just take the first pretty thing that comes to hand. And I really want that snood- so sign please!!
    Thanks heaps, I'm away not to crochet a balaclava. And finalise that damn visa. When they ask for my occupation- do you think I should write "robber"??
    PS Glad you had such a lovely day, also good luck with the bus driver mission

  12. I'm so glad you had such a lovely day.. those kind of day's are so appreciated. Even the smallest things can make a day seem so much better..

    I really love the snood, you obviously do know what your doing when it comes to taking photo's with that camera as the pics are gorgeous. Love the photo with you wearing it, one very pretty lady indeed!

    I look forward to seeing photo's of the father christmas leg cakes! :-)

    Ashley xxx

  13. In my frenzy to get that balaclava sorted, I forgot to spellcheck
    I'm away *now* not *not

  14. I am loving your ambition on the knitting front - those hand warmers look gorgeous, far too complicated for my ridiculously limited capability. I'm sure you claimed novice status too only recently?!?
    A whole sleep, result. Amazing what a bit of sleep can do for your state of mind...
    Nice to hear about your lovely day x

  15. it's beautiful.

    so glad to hear your grey day felt good. i am sort of on a roll. 10 days of consistent good/peace in spite of unsavory circumstances--this is mind blowing!



  16. It was a lovely post. And I like the sound of the Father Christmas leg cakes! The snood is lovely, and the colours are gorgeous. Can't wait to hear all about NYC! x

  17. Your snood is lovely......gaw-geous colours colours!

    So know what you mean about scrapping boys and out of control laundry our house it is called the clothes mountain, it generally resembles a mountain, rarely a hillock. My littlest has some sounds missing in his vocab and goes around with middle brother 'dooting' with light sabres. Normally ends up with high pitched screaming, tears.....and that's just me! Golden times when they are all engrossed in something together, we've had a few perfect times recently where I've been able to stand back and see my three wonderful boys enjoying each other.

    Maybe you need to up your game with the bus driver......silly hat, wig, fake nose?

  18. I have to have one!!! Your snood is absolutely gorgeous. What stunning colours hon. I am definitely going to add it to my to-make list for next winter. Now what the heck is a Father Christmas leg cake??

  19. aahh such a lovely upbeat bright post today ;-)) It really has been horrible, dull and dark in the West today. Loving your snood that is great ;-) Glad to hear the boys have been good to that goes such a long way ;-) Enjoy the rest of your week, dee xx

  20. You're does the world of good to have a day like that. It's a very rare one where I don't get the bears fighting all the time and actually playing nicely together. It really does make such a difference. And a decent nights sleep too! Glad Mini gave you a decent night and Little and Big have been good. Even a dark dingy day can seem so much brighter!

    Love the cowl. The colours are beautiful and I love the shell border, it finishes it off gorgeously. I have so many WIP's unfinished it's ridiculous. I trapped a nerve in my neck last week and have been in a HUGE amount of discomfort, so nothing has been done or been finished. It would be nice to see the results of something.....until then, I shall just have to keep gawping at your cowl beauty!


  21. Love your snood, the colors really suit your blonde beauty. Glad you had a great day even tho it was grey, but on your inside you were all happy summer colors. We are having a 30deg + day today, so two loads of sheets and one load of towels have gone out this morning and bought in already with a load of whites just gone out. I have also cleaned the house, industrious little thing today as I have a very busy weekend.
    Yay for good boys as it gives you a break, very proud of them :)
    x Sandi

  22. Crochet with Raymond18 November 2011 at 07:10

    I love your snood! The colours are fabulous with your hair and it will be so cozy and cuddly as the weather gets cooler!

  23. Hai Cuckoo,

    Love your ripple snood! What a strange name...never heard of it before :-)! Did you make that one up too?

    Happy weekend,

    Madelief x

  24. days that go well like that are great , and yes father christmas leg cakes ooh sounds interesting??? oh and charlottes cake was lush i ate far to much oops! yes getting there with the knitting but my mum knits so she helps me when i do dumb things and im sure your knitting is fab xx

  25. Wowser!!!! Snoodilicious!!!! I love the colours. Experiencing snood envy

  26. So glad to hear you had a lovely day (I know I'm bit late in commenting, so hopefully you've had a few more lovely days!) - a good nights sleep and the children not fighting (you or each other) can make or break a day! Lovely snood too x

  27. Oh I do love your snood, the colours are gorgeous!!! :)
    Vivienne x

  28. Hello Cuckoo,
    I'm loving the snood! Beautiful colours....

    thank you for your lovely comment...just comment when you’ve got time....I will carry on liking you, I promise! :0))))

    Lou xxx

  29. Can't believe that I didn't comment on this post - I read it a couple of times, it was so cheering. Fab snood, love it. Colours suit you.

    How lovely that they asked you to make the Santa cupcakes again... will you show us when you've made them?

    Am beyond thrilled that you pinned my Tinkerbell cake! I actually have something on Pinterest! Thank you!! :-)

    Have a fab weekend, lots of love.

    Nicki xx

  30. Lovely photos again - and lovely things! please post some piccies of the FC cakes as I am most intrigued! Isn't Cbeebies wonderful!
    Jo x

  31. so so so understand about blogging and having wee ones, I feel like a referee loads, but especially after school time.
    My oldest now has discovered the computer! aaahhh my time on the mac has gone now!
    So catching up on months of not visiting sites.
    I love the snood, so cosy looking,
    hava a good weekend, Becca x

  32. This was such a lovely post and gave me a warm feeling!

    Loving the snood, and the reference to Devon's winter seas just made me yearn for the West Country! - The colours are so beautiful and well-done on the photographs.

    Glad you had such a good day and looking forward to hearing about New York...

    L x

  33. Your blog is beautiful!! , full of family and nice pieces ... thanks for such a nice place !!! From Buenos Aires , Bolmara .


I L♡VE your comments. Thank you ever so for taking the time. I do try to get back to everyone but I am rather scatty and I have these 3 big distractions....(and I'm just generally a bit rubbish lately, so please don't feel obliged to leave a note) Sorry about the word verification too, too much spam.