![]() |
See those egg cosies on the Mollie Makes magazine? They are by Suzie who runs the Knit Club I go to. She has a book coming out in the Autumn. |
Gawd talk about over stretching myself! Why did I think it would be a good idea to try to do lace knitting? Why did I then think "I must make wrist warmers out of Kid Silk Haze in a lace pattern to wear to a wedding in May"?
There's a big mistake up the top near the needle. I did a purl row when I shouldn't. |
Oh my, what a lot of swearing I have been doing.
"Gah! I've bloody gone wrong again. Stupid bleeding knitting. Don't flipping breathe near me! You're distracting me. Oh for flipping hells damn ar*eing sake. I CAN'T DO IT!!!!!!"
So I count to ten and then I do the only thing I can do at times like this. I try again, optimistic that I'll manage it this time....I'm slowly getting there.
Another reason for not getting any shots of my shawl was because we had Bee and co. to stay for the weekend. It was her birthday ages and ages ago but for one reason or another I didn't get to see her to give her her gift till this weekend. I made her a crochet stash bag (just typed 'crotch stash bag', I am spluttering) for her giant granny square which is looking suuuuuuuuper.
I want to show you this plasticine Grommit that Little Cuckoo made when he went to the Wallace and Grommit studios with his best friend last year. He had some help but he really got involved and now his creation sits proudly on the shelf in the kitchen.
Like my new table cloth? Spot the calpol to the right? Little has had a wicked virus and has been so poorly for a whole week. |
Cheeky little fist trying to swap Grommit with a plastic chicken drumstick |
And for those of you who would like to make your own there's the step by step guide.
Is anyone out there a lawyer? Has access to a sister, brother, husband who is a lawyer? I know lawyers are crazy busy but I wonder if they'd take a look at the Pinterest Terms and Conditions and reassure me that it's unlikely us pinners will get sued. I read this blog post the other day and I am spooked right out. Could I really get in big trouble? Could YOU really get in big trouble?
Did you hear about the blogger whose image was taken up by Tesco and splashed all over a jumper without her knowledge or permission? Should I have a copywrite note on my blog? Are we all revealing way too much in cyber space? So much to think about.
Keep on going , your knitting looks lovely!
ReplyDeleteI remember many years ago when I started lace knitting at one point I nearly threw my knitting across the room!!
I'm a little more composed these days!!
Happy Knitting
Fleur xx
I am so impressed with Grommit, well done little Cuckoo. :)
ReplyDeleteKeep at the knitting, you'll get there!!
Vivienne x
Your knitting is looking lovely - well done you for sticking at it! Don't forget to share photos of the finished articles.....
ReplyDeleteThat Pinterest article's a bit scary, isn't it. I don't know what to do about my account now???
Good luck with the lace knitting - I hope it gets easier! Grommit is fabulous, I hope Little feels better soon! I'm also worried about the Pinterest thing - I've stopped Pinning until I work out what to do but I think it'll end with me deleting my account...
ReplyDeleteI love the look of your lacy knitting ~ your wrist warmers will be very pretty once they are done as long as you resist throwing them about the room too much! I've never done the Pinterest thing yet and to be honest now that I've read all the recent blog posts about it I am very glad that I haven't. Your little boy did a very good job with his Grommit too :O)xx
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha!!! I just read your crotch stash mistake as crotch tash. Am laughing so much to myself.. Ha!!!!!!! Will come back and say something sensible later xxx
ReplyDeleteThe lace knitting looks lovely as does gromit.
ReplyDeleteI too worried about pinterest and deleted all my boards. I just 'like' things now instead.
Bootiful knitting don't give up, I felt the same about crochet for ages!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing the shelf love with me, I think cans and a bit of wood sounds great, Tee Hee!
You are scaring me with the Pinterest info although it's something we need to know about so thanks for sharing! Had a little looksy and came across this, http://ddkportraits.com/2012/02/my-date-with-ben-silbermann-following-up-and-drying-my-tears/.
Love the Grommit, Fantastic!
Rachel x
I had a Kidsilk Haze lace knitting frenzy last Autumn as a comparatively novice knitter. I found the only way to keep sane was to obsessively count stitches after every row that contained yarn overs or decreases, to make sure I was staying on track. When I knitted a pattern where the stitch count varied I nearly lost the plot, but it turned out OK in the end and all the grans were thrilled with their Christmas presents.
ReplyDeleteKeep going, they're going to be beautiful!
Bless your heart you will do it your very clever and you have loads of patience ;-) Both of them are looking amazing i reckon and so fine i don't know how your doing it but please carry on i can't wait to see it further down the line. Grommit is fabulous ;-)) I going to go read that blog now i haven't really thought about copy rights etc i think maybe we are all a bit trusting and naive at times. I don't know anything about pinterest i have never ventured onto there. Try not to worry to much lovely, dee xx
ReplyDeleteJust popped back to say I love the bag you made for your friend, tis gorgeous! So panicked about Pinterest I forgot what I was commenting on earlier!!
ReplyDeleteHave a great evening!
Rachel x
Loving your lacy knitting, but you can keep it, I think I'll stick to crochet!
ReplyDeleteRe Pinterest, I just popped over to their website and sent them a message of concern. I think that if enough people are concerned (and I know they are) then they need to advise Pinterest directly about those concerns. Pinterest don't want to lose pinners, that means their business going down the drain. And pinners don't want to be faced with the threat of legal action for something that is essentially making an electronic scrapbook. Do you see magazines suing people for cutting out images and pasting them in a book? No! It is only ever an issue if someone tries to onsell that image.
Change only ever comes about from action, and the action usually of people united to a common cause.
xXx Helen
PS. Sorry for getting so serious, but we all have to take responsibility!
Hope little gets better soon.
ReplyDeleteYour knitting is stunningly amazing!!
My favourite was "Don't breathe around me" LOL!
Love the crotch bag you made for lucky Bee!!
Also- Little Cuckoo- crazy talented- that is one amazing Grommitt for someone so small!!!
One of my sister in laws is a lawyer- I'll ask her to take a look, but it might take a while. I looked up the copyright thing a while ago (there is a really big black market in creepy dolls with the stuffing showing through you know) and it said yes anyone can use/borrow your pictures, unless you have the "please don't use my pic unless you ask" caveat, and include the copyright symbol, I just chucked it down the bottom of my blog, took about 3 minutes to change, and gives me peace of mind.
Love Grommit! He's awesome.
ReplyDeleteVery impressed with your knitting too, rude words and all. How you magic up that pretty lacy wisp out of two long sticks is beyond me.
I've been having a think about the Pinterest thing having read several articles and have decided to do the following things ... make sure all the pictures I pin lead directly to their owner. Add a note to my blog about the use of my pictures (as per G4C above). Add text or a watermark to all my photographs.
Whether any of these actions have a leg to stand on in the eyes of the law I don't know but they will certainly make me feel better.
Definitely have a copyright note on your blog, just to cover yourself and hopefully prevent others from using your material. Wish I could do the copyright thing on my photos.
ReplyDeleteI just read that Pinterest thing and while I don't use it (purely because I think it often makes people want more and more of what they don't have and I don't think that is always very healthy), it is concerning. I can see your point...esp after that Tesco thing.
I think there are lovely images on Pinterest and it seems to be the "thing" that everyone is into, BUT this would make me want to steer clear.
I've come off Facebook in the past week as feel there's a bit too much social media out there and I don't want to reveal too much any more.
And I am feeling more and more this way about Blogger now too. Esp when random people are googling and coming up with pics of my kids. Thinking of knocking it on the head after my anniversary. Mulling it all over. Might print it all off and keep it bound like a book and then call it a day.
Want to go a bit more Back to Basics. Aiming for the 1950s housewife. Everyone made do with what they had and didn't fanny about (like me) on the computer every night!!!
Your knitting looks gorgeous, that wool/silky stuff is like angel's hair. Bet Bee loved her bag.
Gem,I know just what you mean,I post piccies of the family then end up deleting them,worrying about any saddos around :( I dont mean My blogging friends just terrible things you read and hear about on the news,it spoils it for everything on the www.Facebook worries Me too.I've deleted My account then reopened it,its just so sad.Back to Basics,1950s housewife sounds so good to me,bring back the old days and old values.I'm thinking of deleting mine too.We'll just have to do the 'old fashioned' writing a letter thing to keep in touch,;).xxx
DeletePS We have the Wallace and Gromit plasticine set too, the Princess got it last year and LOVED it. x
ReplyDeleteI wish you could give me knitting lessons BBL! It looks lovely what you have done so far.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for Pinterest I've only ever looked, I haven’t got an account. I'm going to start putting a watermark on my pictures. I've been meaning to do it for ages but never got around to doing it. Don’t worry too much my lovely!
Lou xxx
Keep going Cuckoo, don't give up! You are doing so well... So close to success... beautiful... your wrist warmers will be fab. My book is still on my night stand. Closed and untouched... Checked out the Tesco story... Oh my! I guess I really should put a Copyright note somewhere on my blog. Who knows where my granny squares, kids muddy feet or my green beans will end up otherwise. Ha ha ha! NO but really, it is kinda scary isn't it?
ReplyDeleteOoooo, your lace knitting looks fab. You are brave knitting lace with kid silk haze - is it near impossible to frog?
ReplyDeleteA photograph of mine was used in a magazine without my permission - bizarrely it was a Dutch magazine and the feature was on Sarah London. The photo can only have come from my blog or from my Flickr account and I have to say I was rather surprised that people can/will do this kind of thing. Obviously, I didn't sue them and I should think the chances of being sued through pinning a photograph onto Pinterest are slim, but maybe we should all do what Sweet Seahorse suggests and mail them expressing our concern. If enough people do that then maybe they'll change their T&Cs.
As always, am in total awe of anyone who can knit, and boy, can you knit- this looks amaaaaaazing.
ReplyDeleteHope you finish your wristwarmers without too much frogging or swearing!
I have to say that mistake is glaringly obvious.....my eye was totally drawn to it even when I tried to look away ;-)
ReplyDeleteI don't pin, but feel a little crappy that someone can pin my picture even though they may have linked back and then some other company who I have avoided can use my image......that's rubbish.
Great grommit!
Lovely knitting - really pretty and delicate but looks like lots of counting! I'm a bit rubbish at that cos I have to chunter along outloud if I stand a sporting chance of not making too many humungous mistakes. You paint a great image of the trials of a knitter!!! :-D Very impressive Grommit model - thats one clever boy!
ReplyDeleteDon't know what to think about the whole photo copyright thing - I've looked at Pinterest but deliberately avoided joining cos I just know I'd spend wayyyyy too much time faffing on there. But I find blogging a real therapeutic thing at times - I wouldn't want to give that up. And although I can see why people want to watermark photos I quite like to see the pics without the distraction of a copyright mark across them. As i say don't know what to think...!
Oh and great spotty tablecloth!! xx
I do like your knitting, it looks good to me. I did put a copyright on my blog when I started blogging.
ReplyDeleteYour lace knitting looks fab, no mistakes are visible to my eye, keep going and get those wrist warmers finished! Will show the instructions for Gromit to my youngest as she is a big fan of Wallace and Gromit. I was just talking to my other half last night about Pinterest terms and conditions and the Tesco tshirt with the girl's image on. I deleted my Pinterest account at the weekend as I was worried about what has been said and also I don't go on there that much. I'm always really careful about what photos I use on my blog and what information I give out. You just can't be too careful nowadays. xxx
ReplyDeleteI think your lace knitting looks beautiful, it will be worth the stress when you're wearing your lovely wrist warmers.
ReplyDeleteI heard of another blogging lady who's creation ended up on a tesco shelf, it's very worrying and the reason that I don't post any pictures of the girls on my blog. On the bright side I don't think they would be interested in my crappy pictures, so being rubbish at photography is good news : )
Gromit is awesome, I love him.
Emma x
I have been reading here http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20120301/04085817924/all-this-talk-pinterest-copyright-fact-that-its-driving-massive-traffic-seems-important.shtml
ReplyDeleteI must admit the over reation from so many people has seemed a little sheep-like to me. My boards are staying until I get more evidence than that currently available. I like using it and I don't copy stuff, just provide a link to it. Here is the original article. http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20120222/03153517838/pointless-copyright-freakout-over-pinterest.shtml
Oh and I forgot to say. How many of these moaning minnies or worried people download music or films? I don't, but huge amounts of people do. I bet many who have self righteously deleted their pinterest accounts do. What about when you watch/listen to something on You tube? Now THAT really does involve copying or taking something without payment. And there are still arguments that it actually increases interest overal and gets more people to buy not less. I don't know about that. However, it seems to me more worthy of getting knickers in knots about than providing links to photos of stuff. Pinterest does not involve moving the item or copying it. It links it. Most things I have linked come directly from the source. If it doesn't then that source was lost before pinterest so it has nothing to do with it.
ReplyDeleteI am firmly of the opinion that there is no need to run scared. I feel we are doing nothing wrong. To the contrary in many cases.
Hi Cuckoo,
ReplyDeleteYour knitting looks great! I don't see any mistake at all!!! I have to say I am not a knitter though, so my opinion is not worth very much.
Love your new polka dot tablecloth. It's just the sort of tablecloth I like!
Good luck with the knitting!
Lieve groet, Madelief x
Hi again, Cuckoo
ReplyDeleteThought you might like a read of this...
Love my crochet stash bag, it's coming with me to the Sunny House this weekend, what a lovely wkend we had, miss YOU ALL so much already, love you angel x x x
ReplyDeleteHi Cuckoo,the crochet stash bag is gorgeous. The knitting looks sooo complicated. I never started with pininterest,thank goodness,( to technical for me ;) Love Gromit lad .My kids both loved him when they were little,My daughter still has her Gromit teddy,she used to take EVERYWHERE. Hope your keeping well,xxx
ReplyDeleteGorgeous lacy mitts to be. The key with lace knitting is blocking, never skip it, it totally transforms your work :D
ReplyDeleteHey!! Looky me that I found your blog!! Its lovely and I hope to have the time to read you! I was looking your pictures, I love crochet!!!
ReplyDeleteSee you!
Chola from Argentina!
'Ere! That Gromit is amazing! What a talented boy, maybe he will follow you into cake making!
ReplyDeleteI have to say I am unruffled about the Pinterest furore. It feels like a storm in a teacup to me, and I think it will pass and the majority of people will continue as they are now. That is just my layman's take on the situation though and I am prepared to be proven wrong!
Oh my gosh that knitting looks super advanced. I have to resign myself to being utter cr*p with needles and wool. Such a shame, I really fancy the idea of whizzing up gorgeous scarves etc but I just end up getting enraged!!
ReplyDeleteI am a total scaredycat on the pinterest front and have closed my account. What freaks me out is not getting permission from every artist etc I might want to pin and then being in violation of copyright - and if their work got copied, I and not Pinterest would be liable. Yikes. At least that is my understanding of it. Just kind of killed the fun for me but I am quite neurotic about things so I'm probably fretting to much. Can I say there is nothing self righteous about my decision just nervous.
You have a future sculptor in the family! xxx