Sunday 20 March 2011

I've made a few cakes in my time

I bake.  Quite a bit. It's like a sickness.  I get an overwhelming urge to weigh out ingredients and watch the alchemy take place in my kitchen as those ingredients turn into something scrummy to eat. I like to try out new recipes from my many cookbooks, some of these don't make a scrummy cake but I don't blame myself here (Nooo, not my fault! Recipes fault obv!).  I've made enough cakes to know I am a capable baker.  I don't often feel I can blow my own trumpet, I don't feel hugely confident about a lot of things I do, but I know I can rustle up a good cake, muffin, cookie etc at a moments notice.  I put it down to the greedy pig with in, the pig that needs to eat baked goods at a moments notice.  Because of the pig within I have accumulated a few knock out recipes which always get results, several dozen actually, I am that much of a hog.

And with baking comes decorating.  Can't say I took to cake decorating easily.  The first cake I decorated was not what I'd call a triumph, a gigantic learning curve would be a more accurate description. It really was pretty poor.

I'm glad I have improved as I went on!  That cake was rubbish but I was delighted with it at the time.  

I thought I'd pile a heap of photographs of past cakes into a post so that they are all gathered together somewhere. There are several cakes missing from this collection, hidden in the computer and I can't locate them.  Many of these cakes are direct copies of one I saw in a book, some I made up myself. Some where not my cup of tea AT ALL, but it's what was asked of me and I aim to please.  Some cakes went together beautifully, the Postman Pat one was thrown together in about an hour with a stonking hangover (the figures are plastic, I didn't model them). The football T- shirt took far too long,  it was deceptively difficult and I didn't enjoy doing it nor did I like the end result but my friends brother was chuffed and that's all that matters.

(Some of the pics are very shoddy because they were taken with my old phone)

I made the car not the cake it went on

plastic dinosaurs

Now I'm all caked out, which is a good thing as Mini Cuckoo is four weeks old on Wednesday (that went quick!) and I want to get into some of my old clothes and so I have to go on a little bit of a diet.  Boo! I don't want to but I can't really wear yoga pants and leggings forever now can I?  Why put off the inevitable.  At some point I'll be so miserable with myself that I'll go on a diet anyway, may as well shorten the length of misery time, hey?  Also, remember me saying I am terribly vain?  Well, there you have it.  At least I'll be in a healthy BMI in a few weeks and that can only be applauded, Right?  Wish me luck!

ps.  Say "leggings" ten times, isn't it a funny word!


  1. I am hugely impressed at your cake decorating skills! Wow. It's like what you see in books!

  2. Wow, your cakes are amazing! I also love baking but tend to stick to the same few, favourite recipes, and am not so much into the decorating - far too greedy and impatient!! (As a result I also need to diet but I have no willpower whatsoever, and hubby doesn't seem to mind either!! Must try and get back on the wii-fit though!)
    R x

  3. De-lurking to say - your cakes are amazing. The flowers and butterflies are gorgeous - heck, everything is! And who wouldn't love a Postman Pat cake? Great job! :o)

  4. Those cakes are fantastic! I have a go at decorating (my kids are under the assumption that I can knock birthday cakes out fairly easily, but when they ask for a panda or tortoise, I spend the whole day icing an fretting. It's not easy for me!) It's my daughter's 10th birthday party this weekend and she has said that she will decorate the cake, I just have to bake it. Yippee! x

  5. Wow, there is no end to your talent, the cakes are amazing 'I takes me at off to ya'
    I had to say leggings 10 times....slegins!!!!!hehe
    Bless baby cuckoo 4 weeks, if you need only to lose a little weight you are doing very well.
    x Sandi

  6. Fantastic! It looks gorgeous and classy. Nicely done

  7. Well I am amazed you could put on weight baking/creating those cakes- they are sooo beautiful that I don't think I could ever bear to actually cut them open!
    Astonishingly beautiful decorations- the cute figures, beautifully delicate flowers and super accurate piping- WOW!

  8. a good job! i am also amazed on what you are doing. lovely cakes

  9. I love the Aga and bee cake best you are very clever.

  10. Those cakes are amazing. I'm far more rustic with my baking. I think you have wonderful patience. My fav is also the aga! X

  11. I have passed on a blog award to you on my blog, don't worry if you don't want to take part its quite a bit of work

  12. Oh SHUT UP with the comments about the first one, the baby blocks. You must know they are fab too, don't you? Well you know I think your cakes are amazing, though I have no problem eating them as well as looking at them. You forgot to include B's naming day cake too, that was stunning. xx

  13. P.S I sent the photos of the Aga to my exhusband, he is an Aga specialist here in Australia and naturally has one in his house.
    x Sandi

  14. I don't know how you find the time or have the patience but you are extremly talented! They look like something you'd buy from a profesional..really..I'm very impressed! I had no idea!

  15. I've just popped over from Bunny Mummy, your cakes are fantastic! The blue one with the amazing flower border is my favourite, it must have taken hours to make.

  16. Wow!!! Your cake decorating skills are superb! I stress out just slopping icing and sprinkles on a cake. My favourite would have to be the square blue one with all the butterflies. It makes me happy and sad at the same time - happy to see such beauty and sad that I won't ever have one for myself :(

  17. your cakes are FABULOUS!
    and yes "leggings" is a funny word, especially when I try to say it ten times (I have a lisp, so its even funnier)


I L♡VE your comments. Thank you ever so for taking the time. I do try to get back to everyone but I am rather scatty and I have these 3 big distractions....(and I'm just generally a bit rubbish lately, so please don't feel obliged to leave a note) Sorry about the word verification too, too much spam.